Category Archives: Blog

Follow Your Own Path: The Journey to Aligning with Your Core Values

In the midst of life’s chaos, there exists a profound truth: the significance of living in harmony with your deepest values. It’s a philosophy beautifully encapsulated by Howard Thurman’s words, “Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have […]

Continuing your Sophrology Journey as a Practitioner

Carla Forth, Sophrologist and Stress Management Wellbeing Consultant at The Stress Solution has kindly written the following guest post for us about her experience of Sophrology, and how it has helped her in her personal and professional life… When I first started my Sophrology journey with The Sophrology Academy in 2011, I had no idea […]

Cultivating Harmony: Deepening our Connections for a Healthier Planet

As the consequences of our negligence in caring for our planet loom large and the number of media stories about natural crises grow, it seems there’s a lot to worry about. ‘Eco-anxiety’, the term to describe the impact of climate change on mental health, is on the rise, world-wide. There is no doubt that large-scale […]