Category Archives: Blog

Interview: Jacqui Knight on Changing Career

We caught up with Jacqui Knight, sophrologist, psychotherapeutic counsellor, and teacher at the Sophrology Academy to ask about the career change she made. What were you doing in your previous career? I worked in learning and development for global organisations, focusing on leadership and talent development. What motivated you to seek a change? My experience […]

The Power of Hope for Health and Wellbeing

In a world which can seem increasingly bombarded by negativity and uncertainty, hope feels more important than ever. But it’s not just wishful thinking; hope is emerging as one of the most important predictors of wellbeing, increasing coping skills and resilience in the face of challenge. When uncertainty prevails and setbacks occur, hope protects us […]

Teaching Teens Resilience through Sophrology: Nurturing the 3Rs for Success

In the past Reading, wRiting and aRithmetic were the 3Rs considered essential for success in life. In 2024 these 3Rs could be replaced with Reality, Rest, and Resilience. As the pace of everyday life increases and technology continues to shape how we learn, communicate, and entertain ourselves, it’s become increasingly vital to equip young people […]

Follow Your Own Path: The Journey to Aligning with Your Core Values

In the midst of life’s chaos, there exists a profound truth: the significance of living in harmony with your deepest values. It’s a philosophy beautifully encapsulated by Howard Thurman’s words, “Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have […]

Continuing your Sophrology Journey as a Practitioner

Carla Forth, Sophrologist and Stress Management Wellbeing Consultant at The Stress Solution has kindly written the following guest post for us about her experience of Sophrology, and how it has helped her in her personal and professional life… When I first started my Sophrology journey with The Sophrology Academy in 2011, I had no idea […]