Monthly Archives: March 2024

Healthcare: Sleep Programme for Healthcare Staff

Introduction Following on from the encouraging results of the first pilot Sophrology for Sleep programme at Dartford & Gravesham NHS Trust (DGT) held between July and September 2022, a further programme, taking into account feedback and learnings from the pilot was commenced in March 2023 with a larger cohort of staff. This paper reports on […]

Enhancing Wellbeing in Alcohol Use Disorder Recovery: A Study on the Impact of a Sophrology Intervention

Abstract Alcohol use disorder (AUD) represents a significant health concern globally with a link between mental health deterioration and increased alcohol intake. Post-sobriety, individuals often lack mental health support, increasing relapse risk. Improving the wellbeing of those in alcohol recovery could reduce the likelihood of relapse, prevent health-related concerns and reduce healthcare costs. This study […]