This workshop will give you tools and techniques to use with your clients diagnosed with cancer.

On this 2-day training programme, you will

  • Learn about the physiology of cancer, from first tests, diagnosis, the different treatments phases and their implications
  • Learn about the place of Sophrology in cancer care and support
  • Discover and experience various Sophrology practices based on concrete cases
  • Discover the day-to-day challenges a Sophrology practitioner faces when working with people with cancer
  • Understand how to adapt your current Sophrology practice to people with cancer.
  • Learn how to apply the techniques of Sophrology to people with other diseases
  • Learn how Sophrology can be helpful to a caregiver

The training approach will focus on practical experiences, practical cases, group exercises and sharing. You’ll need to have a backing in the techniques of Sophrology to participate.

This workshop counts towards the Health and Mental Wellbeing Specialist Diploma.