This is an advanced course for qualified sophrology practitioners. The course includes theoretical input, practices and case studies to develop your knowledge, skills and confidence to work with people living with eating disorders.

From the outside, it may seem easy to help our clients, using Sophrology to improve their relationship with food. But eating disorders are less about food than about issues with life. They are less about feeling the body than about running away from it. That’s why, when we don’t know much about how eating disorders work, Sophrology can be pretty hard, even violent for some clients.

In this course, Coralie will share with you all the most important information you need to know about eating disorders. The more you understand, the more you will be able to create a secure environment for your client. You’ll also learn how eating disorders work and how deep they are. And of course, how to help your clients with Sophrology.

If you are ready to open your mind to the truth of eating disorders and how valuable your help can be, this course is made for you!

After completing this course you will:

  • Better understand what your client shares with you, in order to be supportive
  • Know how eating disorders work and be able to share in a relevant way with your client
  • Be able to adapt Sophrology techniques for each eating disorder
  • Know how to lead techniques with phenomenology
  • Know how to share with other health care professionals about eating disorders
  • Understand the contribution and the limits of Sophrology for eating disorders

Entry Requirements: Sophrology diploma with at least an introduction to phenomenology.

Course Fee: £175
Sophrology Academy graduates: 10% discount
ISF members: 5% discount

Contact us for a discount code

This course counts towards the Health and Mental Wellbeing Specialist Diploma, the Education and Family Specialist Diploma

To obtain a digital certificate you will need to successfully complete the course assessment and provide evidence of your sophrology diploma qualification.


About the Course Leader:

Coralie Degradot is a Sophrologist specialised in eating disorders and complicated relationships with food. After 17 years living with anorexia nervosa and a full recovery for a decade, she uses her past personal experience for helping her clients. For 6 years now, she has been teaching Sophrologists to better understand what eating disorders really are and how to adapt Sophrology techniques to help their clients to feel free again.